Extra-Curricular Activities
Extra-curricular opportunities outside of the classroom are just as important to a student’s development as academia. They complement one another to create a student who is well-rounded and prepared for the world of work through the development of transferable skills. Thus, our extra-curricular activities will be facilitated through experiences that have a strong focus on careers and work-related learning. Moreover, numerous studies have shown that students who participate in extra-curricular activities have a marked improvement in grades; this can be attributed to skills learnt such as time management and organisation.
We run organised, staff-supervised extracurricular activities over blocks in each term, so there are three blocks per year. There are also more ad-hoc opportunities that are advertised to student via email e.g. poetry or essay-writing competitions, and local debating contests.
To give you a flavour of what's on offer, 2023-24 extracurricular opportunities, included:
Ancient Greek Book Club | Ancient Roman Book Club | Badminton | Basketball | BioArt Award | Boxing |
British Sign Language | Biology Research Club | Chess | Crime Docu-Club | Community Care | Debating |
Dungeons and Dragons | Eco Rally | Female Boxing | Female Fitness | Genetics Docu-Club | Lionheart Speaks |
Music Club | Netball | Robot Club | Social Climbing | Stock Market Simulator | Table Tennis |
Year after year, students who engage with our extracurricular offer rate it very highly, and we listen to students' suggestions about new activities that they'd like to see offered. In the majority of cases, these activities are free and fully funded by the school. In some cases, a subsidised payment might need to be made and this is clearly advertised to students; if a student is in receipt of bursary, we subsidise the activity even more.
Students are also encouraged to establish their own societies with a linked staff member. We are proud that our students have set up the following student groups:
Afro-Caribbean Society (ACS), Amnesty Intl, Business Society, Christian Conversations, Economics Society, Francophile Club, Hindu Society, ISOC, KPOP, Law Society, MDT (Healthcare), MedSoc, Oxbridge, PRIDE/LGBTQ+, Unsolved Mysteries Club
We have active Student Leadership Team made up of ambassadors, leaders, and governors. Students are encouraged to apply for these responsibilities towards the end of Year 12.